In this episode of Fire Law Roundup for December 19, 2022, Brad and Curt discuss a sexual harassment lawsuit brought by a DC firefighter who claims an officer sexually assaulted her in the firehouse; a ruling by the Massachusetts Civil Service Commission upholding a decision by the Somerville Fire Department to bypass a female candidate; felony theft charges brought against a Florida firefighter for fraudulently submitting for hours he did not work; a newly released video showing a Miami fire lieutenant assaulting a patient who spit at him; and a new firefighter bill of rights law enacted by the New York state legislature.
DC Sued Over Firehouse Sexual Assault
Civil Service Upholds Bypass of Somerville, MA Firefighter
Florida Firefighter Accused of Payroll Fraud
Miami Firefighter Investigated for Assaulting Patient
New York Enacts Firefighter Bill of Rights