In this episode of Fire Law Roundup for April 17, 2023, Brad and Curt discuss the arrest of a woman who embezzled funds from a North Carolina volunteer fire department; a cheating scandal in the Muncie Fire Department; a wrongful death suit against several fire and EMS agencies in Utah alleging medics administered too much ketamine to an accident victim; a wrongful termination suit brought by an Arizona firefighter-union rep; and a decision by the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the termination of a female fire captain for failing a physical abilities test.
Woman Charged with Embezzling Funds From North Carolina Volunteer Fire Department
Indiana Fire Department Facing Three Investigations Into Exam Cheating
Utah Suit Blames Crash Victim’s Death On Responders for Injecting Too Much Ketamine
Arizona Firefighter Claims Termination Related to Union Activities
Fifth Circuit Upholds Termination of Texas Captain