Tag Archives: collective bargaining

NJ Court Upholds Officers Being in Same Bargaining Unit as Firefighters

The Appellate Division of New Jersey Superior Court has upheld a ruling of the New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission concluding that lieutenants can be included with firefighters in a collective bargaining unit. The case involved a challenge brought by the Borough of Carteret seeking to separate lieutenants from the rank-and-file firefighters.

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Fire Law Roundup for October 17, 2022

In this episode of Fire Law Roundup for October 17, 2022, Brad and Curt discuss a $1.6 million award in favor of IAFF Local 500 against the city of East Cleveland for a staffing violation, a lawsuit filed against the ...

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Judge Dismisses New Haven Grievance Lawsuit

A lawsuit filed by five members of the New Haven Fire Department claiming the city failed to comply with an MOU on promotions, has been dismissed. Harry Bosley, Ernest Jones, Josue Vega, Jr., Christian Cordero, and Ian Cordero claimed the city was not complying with promotional timelines specified in a 2017 memorandum of understanding between IAFF Local 825 and the city.

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City Sues Firefighter Union for Improperly Negotiating Benefits With Council

An Indiana city is suing the firefighters union claiming that benefits negotiated with the city’s Common Council are improper. City of Mishawaka filed suit against the Mishawaka Professional Firefighters Union claiming that since the city’s executive branch was “improperly excluded” from the negotiations of certain benefits, they are not enforceable.

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Illinois Firefighters Sue To Block Staffing Cuts

Elgin Association of Firefighters, IAFF Local 439, filed suit last week seeking an injunction to block the city’s plan to cut two positions from minimum shift staffing. The city council voted to eliminate the positions when the collective bargaining agreement ends on December 31, 2017.

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Illinois Village Reverses Course on Privatizing Fire Department

Elected officials in an Illinois village that took its taxpayers and firefighters on a three year $800,000 legal journey to privatize the fire department only to lose at every turn, have agreed to give up the fight. Mayor Hubert Hermanek, Jr. has announced that the Village of North Riverside will stop pursuing privatizing its firefighting protection services

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Idaho Fire District Sued Over Elimination of Union President’s Position

An Idaho division chief who was fired after he helped organize a union and served as it’s president, has filed suit against a fire district and its commissioners. Division Chief Timothy McDermott was fired from the Worley Fire District on November 11, 2014. His lawsuit claims that he was told his actions "irritated” the Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners prompting his termination.

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Right to Work and Duty to Represent

Today’s burning question: Are unions required to represent non-dues paying members, even in a right to work state? Answer: The answer does not depend on whether the state is a right to work state. It depends on whether a union has lawfully been designated as the exclusive collective bargaining representative for the employees.

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Chambersburg AGAIN

The ongoing battle between the Borough of Chambersburg and IAFF Local 1813 is back in the fire law news as yet another round has played itself out, this time with the victory going to the Borough.

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Montana City Challenges BCs Being in Firefighters Union

The City of Bozeman is challenging a ruling of the Montana Board of Personnel Appeals that three new battalion chiefs should be included within IAFF Local 613. The ruling issued last June concluded that all positions below the rank of deputy chief should remain within the bargaining unit.

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