Tag Archives: overtime

FLSA Headlines from East and West, Big and Small

Two FLSA-related cases are in the Fire Law news, one involving a small volunteer fire department in North Carolina, the other involving one of the nation’s largest fire departments: the Los Angeles City Fire Department. My colleague Bill Maccarone covered the LAFD case in his blog, so I would direct my readers to FirefighterOvertime.org, for more on that case.

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Fire Officer Overtime – Fire Law VLOG

In this edition of Fire Law VLOG, Curt and Bill Maccarone discuss three recent settlements involving fire officers and overtime. The three settlements involve lawsuits filed under the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) – and in particular whether these officers ...

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Fire Law Roundup – Special Edition on FLSA Case Update

In this special edition of Fire Law Roundup, Bill Maccarone and Curt discuss two recent FLSA cases in the fire law news. The first involves a suit out of Honolulu alleging a violation of the FLSA. The second is a $1.6 million settlement of an overtime suit out of Milwaukee.

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Fire Law Roundup – April 25, 2022

In this episode of Fire Law Roundup, Brad and Curt discuss a decision reinstating a firefighter in New Orleans; an FLSA overtime suit by a captain in Louisiana; a suit challenging a union’s right to grieve the dismissal of a probationary firefighter; an award of $369k against FASNY; and a case refusing to invalidate a marriage between two Indiana firefighters.

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Louisiana Captain Files FLSA Class Action Suit

A Louisiana fire captain has filed suit claiming he and his colleagues were not paid overtime for the hours they worked that were in excess of the statutory maximum under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Brian Jackson filed suit in US District Court naming the Livingston Parish Fire Protection District 5

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Fire Law Roundup for February 7, 2022

In this episode, Bill Maccarone and Curt discuss last week's headlines, including an FLSA lawsuit out of Tulsa, OK; the settlement of a race discrimination suit out of Everett, WA; the dismissal of the federal claims against Miami-Dade Fire Rescue over an EMS run; a Massachusetts Civil Service ruling overturning the termination of a deputy chief, but demoting him to firefighter; and the filing of a COVID-related wrongful death suit against an Oregon fire department.

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COVID Pay Prompts DC FLSA Overtime Suit

A District of Columbia firefighter has filed a class action lawsuit alleging the city failed to include COVID premium pay in his overtime, as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act. Jason Collins filed suit today in US District Court for the District of Columbia on behalf of himself and all similarly situated DC firefighters.

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FLSA Suit Settled in Oklahoma

A lawsuit filed last year by 31 Chickasha, Oklahoma firefighters contending the city violated the Fair Labor Standards Act has been settled for $141,710.91. The firefighters claimed that the city failed to include longevity pay in their regular rate when calculating overtime compensation.

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Burning Question: Cancelling Kelly Days

Today’s burning question: Can a fire department cancel a firefighter’s assigned Kelly Day without violating the Fair Labor Standards Act? For example, if firefighters work a 24/48 schedule with Kelly Days every third work period, can the department contact personnel scheduled to be off on a Kelly Day, and require them to work?

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