Tag Archives: FMLA

Suit Claims Atlanta Fire Failed To Accommodate BC With Long-COVID

A battalion chief with the Atlanta Fire and Rescue Department who developed long-COVID in 2021, has filed suit claiming the city violated the Americans With Disabilities Act by denying his request for a light-duty assignment. BC Sean Johnson filed suit alleging disability discrimination and failure to accommodate under the ADA.

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Florida Firefighter Files FMLA Suit

A Florida firefighter who was terminated last year is claiming the fire department violated the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Sergio Valdes was fired by the Greater Naples Fire Rescue on December 28, 2016, the same day he returned from a work related injury.

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Sick Leave Abuse or Family Medical Leave Act Violation

Today’s burning question: I was a probationary firefighter and used accrued sick and vacation leave to take care of my wife and children, but my employer fired me. Do I have a case? Answer: While as a probationary employee you are an employee at-will, an employer cannot discriminate nor violate statutory rights that are granted by state and federal law.

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Sick Leave and Hypocrisy

Today’s burning question: My fire department has a sick leave policy that states "Members of the Department on sick leave, when not hospitalized, are expected to remain at home, unless authorized by a physician for light duty." There are exceptions for medical care, prescriptions, etc. Is this a legal and supportable policy?

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Illinois Division Chief Sues for Comp Retaliation

A division chief with the Tri-State Fire Protection District has filed suit alleging his discharge last October was retaliation for him having filed a heart related workers comp claim and using medical leave. Division Chief David Basek filed suit last ...

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