Tag Archives: shift overlap

FLSA Headlines from East and West, Big and Small

Two FLSA-related cases are in the Fire Law news, one involving a small volunteer fire department in North Carolina, the other involving one of the nation’s largest fire departments: the Los Angeles City Fire Department. My colleague Bill Maccarone covered the LAFD case in his blog, so I would direct my readers to FirefighterOvertime.org, for more on that case.

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FLSA Facts for Firefighters- Early Reliefs and Overtime

Today’s burning question: I regularly get to work 45 minutes before my normal shift and relieve a member. Does the FLSA require the department to compensate me for that extra time? Answer: The FLSA mandates that employees be paid for all hours worked. However, provided the early relief meets the requirements of 29 CFR §553.225, compensation is not required

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FDNY EMS Officers File FLSA Class Action

Five FDNY EMS officers have filed suit against the city alleging they were wrongly denied compensation for pre- and post-shift meetings, in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The suit alleges that the officers were required to be present for 15 to 30 minutes per shift to exchange of information with other officers at shift changes.

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