Tag Archives: investigation

Mass Civil Service Upholds Discipline of Springfield Lieutenant

The Mass Civil Service Commission has upheld the discipline against a Springfield fire lieutenant for attempting to use the department’s disciplinary system to “target” another lieutenant with whom he had a disciplinary history. The case points to the need for fire departments to have a well drafted discipline policy.

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Six New Jersey Firefighters Under Investigation

Six New Jersey firefighters have been suspended or removed as an investigation is underway into allegations of sexual harassment of a female firefighter, sending threatening text messages, and forcing of a vehicle off a road. The firefighters are all volunteers from the town of Hammonton, and reportedly all of the conduct involved members of the department as perpetrators and victims

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Should We Accept Anonymous Complaints Against Firefighters?

Today’s burning question: If someone wants to file a complaint against a firefighter, can we allow that person to remain anonymous? In other words, should we accept anonymous complaints? Answer: That is a question that comes up a lot in my Fire Department Administrative Investigations and Enforcing Discipline class.

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Fire Station Toilet Paper Sparks Investigation in Florida

Pompano Beach Fire Rescue is investigating who is responsible for stocking Station 103 with toilet paper that bears the face of President Barack Obama. According to spokeswoman Sandra King the incident “is being fully investigated as a ‘politically motivated, conduct ...

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