$1.5 Billion. That is NOT a typo. $1,500,000,000. The eight-year battle by Houston firefighters for a pay raise has finally resulted in a resolution of their claims in exchange for a new five-year collective bargaining agreement. The city council voted today to approve the package by a 14-0 vote, with one abstention.
The ongoing dispute between IAFF Local 341 and the city saw numerous lawsuits filed; trial and appellate decisions rendered; referendums passed; and referendums overturned. The settlement calls for $650 Million in backpay, which will be financed over a 25-year period, and a 34% pay increase over the life of the upcoming CBA.
Here is some of our prior coverage on the battle:
New Houston Mayor Raises Firefighters’ Optimism
Houston Police-Fire Pay Parity Bill Goes Into Effect
Texas Court of Appeals Upholds Houston Pay Parity
Houston Prop B Ruled Unconstitutional
Fox 26 Houston has full coverage, including an overview of how we got to where we are today with a $1.5 Billion settlement. Congratulations to President Marty Lancton and the eBoard of Local 341 on a job well done.