Two criminal cases from Pennsylvania are in the fire law news today. Both involve 21-year-old volunteer firefighters. In Redstone Township, fire captain George A. Matis, 21, stands charged with criminal homicide in the shooting death of junior firefighter Parker Hess in the Republic Volunteer Fire Company’s station. Hess was a high school sophomore.
The incident occurred yesterday as the department was preparing for its “Light Up Night” parade. Dave Statter has much more coverage of this tragic event.
In Glenolden, 21-year-old John Corcoran IV pled guilty to setting three fires with a 17-year-old accomplice. Corcoran, who has already pled guilty to over 20 federal child pornography charges, still faces 223 child molestation and related charges in state court. He was a member of the Goodwill Fire Company #1 in Darby. The arson investigation is what led investigators to the uncover of his sexual predator activities. Here is more on that story.