The drama continues in our nation’s capitol as City Councilmember Tommy Wells prepares to hold a special hearing into ongoing issues the department’s readiness.
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Not surprisingly, officials have been quick to blame the current lack of readiness on the previous administration that ended December 31, 2010.
For those interested, here is a copy of the transition plan from the former administration.
2011 Fire and EMS Department Transition Plan-1
Among the points it discusses are a new fleet maintenance program (which would appear to have been scrapped) along with 2010 apparatus purchases that were awaiting delivery including 6 new engines, 2 new ladders, 2 refurbed ladders, 16 F450 EMS units and 2 heavy duty EMS units.
The plan recommends the purchase of 5-6 more engines in 2011, 1 tower ladder and 18 to 20 EMS units…. So much for “the past administration didn’t tell us” or “the past administration left us high and dry”….