LAFD Station 63 is in the news once again, this time for a semi-risqué video that includes a 21 year old hula hoop performer, Delila Santos, several on-duty firefighters, fire apparatus, and a fire pole.
The video was published on YouTube last week. It was part of a promotion by a California based company, Hoopnotica, that promotes hula hooping for physical fitness. It contains no nudity and probably the most risqué thing about it is it’s title: Firehouse Burlesque Hula Hooping
Station 63 in Venice Beach was involved in a serious controversy last year after a porn actress gained access to an engine company and used it as a backdrop in an adult video. It is also the station at which Fire Chief Brian Cummings served as a captain, and allegedly allowed firefighters to pose for some risqué photos.
The current controversy seems to be much more tame than the prior incidents and includes shots filmed inside the station with actual firefighters, turnout gear, apparatus, and a fire pole. Nevertheless, the LAFD Professional Standards Division is investigating.
The Los Angeles Times reported that Santos said “This was totally harmless. … We were just having fun hooping.”
Here is the video.